Defense of Healthcare Providers
The defense of healthcare providers can be a complicated matter which needs to be navigated carefully by expert counsel. Our attorneys have experience and expertise defending providers against allegations of medical malpractice, violations of regulatory and licensure requirements, and unprofessional conduct. Our attorneys represent health care providers before medical review panels, state district courts, appellate courts, the state supreme court, professional licensing boards, and administrative regulatory hearings. We also defend providers against general liability claims and assist our clients with enrollment and coverage issues with the Louisiana Patient’s Compensation Fund.
Risk Management
Healthcare providers and their staff deal with risk management issues on an ongoing basis. We have assisted large and small facilities and practices develop policies and procedures to minimize risk, improve patient care and safety, and assure regulatory compliance. Providing meaningful, actionable risk management and compliance advice requires not only an understanding of the broad scope of legal and regulatory requirements, but also an awareness of the complexity of the processes involved in the provision of care and the operation of healthcare practices and facilities. Our attorneys bring a diverse range of experience to the table in providing risk management guidance.

Nicholas Gachassin, Jr., J.D.

Nick sigur, J.D.

Barry Boudreaux, J.D.

John David Schoonenberg, J.D., LL.M


Allie Wilkinson, J.D.